Happy 10th Blog Anniversary!! 🥳

i've wanted to do this forever — this kite got stuck in a tree, blown back  out and...

Hello everyone,

Today marks my 10th blog anniversary of my blog, Kaleidoscopic Kites!

It’s mind-blowing for me to believe that time has flown by so fast and I’ve managed to maintain this blog for years, but I’m really happy I’ve still kept writing here. Additionally, I would like to thank all my followers (new & old) for reading, liking, sharing, and commenting on my posts during wild ride of a decade. It really means the world to me! I’ve loved hearing everyone’s responses and how my written pieces have affected many people in such a deep and genuine way. Writing on my blog hasn’t always been easy though. In reality, I’ve encountered writer’s block quite often and constantly doubt whether my work is worth posting or not. 2023 has also been a particularly rough year for me—full of ups and downs. However, I always somehow revolve back—taking a risk posting here— secretly hoping everything will turn out well in the end. Regarding the future of Kaleidoscopic Kites, I plan on penning more content and continuing to grow as a writer and individual—so stay posted! In the meantime:

🎉follow the kite strings and fly higher and higher!🎉


Kalei Kites🪁

Earth Day

Space Crush

Ensure ocean sanctuaries are respected.
Aim to restore land with organisms affected.
Recycle plastic waste in the correct bins.
Teach others not to obtain animal skins.
Harvest food from home-grown gardens.

Decrease your footprint made of carbon.
Advocate for climate change and health.
Yearn for a world where goodwill is wealth.

Happy Earth Day! 🌎


Mint: how to propagate, overwinter & more - Plantura

forever frosted leaves
beg for an angel’s breath.
winter hugs their stems,
refreshing them cool.
drops of sky water
soothe muted jade.

collapsed river sticks 
protect a neglected bend.
scarce, lank roots
emanate strong incense.
beneath a waterfall,
icicles rattle caves.

some small flowers
ward off whiteflies.
loamy mud builds
with rich minerals.
curving branches
bite snow drifts.

delicate, netted veins
flush out seasonal murk.
pinecones rest by
Northern life seeds.
toothed edges sharpen
one’s dried kismet.


Barefoot Thoughts of an Empath

cursed fog whirls over jagged clifftops.
sea witch myths make pirates pale.
wind gusts bluster through castle rock.
eels spy on unfortunate lost souls.
statues fall prey to the king of the seas.

without her voice, storms sing.
booming tides burst boulders.
tail fins turn to toes in human pink.
a prince awaits before sand dunes.
as rosy hands meet, warmth binds.

three days are left to sink in love.
swamp waters samba with firefly bulbs.
she needs more than faith to keep her above.
two sweethearts ruffle land lake ripples.
deep blue eyes covet a passionate kiss.

lightning breaks sky, releasing rain beads.
a twirling potion unleashes a spell.
flute music entangles full moon’s gleam.
the tune of another lures this prince in persuasion.
deceitful plans set a water world ablaze.

feisty waves energize a wedding sunset.
an evil villain tries to steal the trident for royal power,
until a schooner’s bow strikes their violaceous chest.
mermaids and mortals unite and rejoice.
lips of lovers finally touch; harmony triumphs.